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omobooks publishing house - new foundation February 2023

omobooks publishing house wants to offer books to all young people that make different realities of life visible. Especially those that are often not visible. Here we do not write about situations or people, but focus on their own voices.

omobooks publishing house - books for young and adults.


My latest single „Daisa“ is available now. 
„Daisa“ means tomorrow in Romanes /Romani language. 
The song talks about love and the change we have in a new tomorrow.
Produced and composed by Loomis Green! 
Don’t miss: the Sinti_ze Jazz Festival by European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture - ERIAC and Volksbühne Berlin will be broadcasted online!


 Foto Credit: Nihad Nino Pušija


7.November 2020 
Single Release
feat. Loomis Green & Janko Lauenberger
Now available for download and streaming on all known platforms!


Loli Rokja 

Concert  RomnjaJazz in 2019.

Video: Roma Trial
Piano: Ernie Schmiedel (a.k.a. The white Shark)
Original song by Vera Bila 

I do not own the rights to this song

Aspria Berlin

Karlsruher Str. 20
10711 Berlin

11:30 Uhr 

09. September 2019 : Blog : RomnjaJazz
"Tupac, Elvis Presley, the Spice Girls and Boyz 2 Men, they all knew it: Mama is the best, so they dedicated a song to her.

But what if Mama is on stage herself?"

16. Juli 2019 : Blogbeitrag : RomnjaJazz
Zu viel Soul
Have you ever wondered how TAYO started with her musical career?
Which musical influences does she have?
And what about her political activism?

Find out all these answers in the latest RomnjaJazz Blog:


3 June 2019 : Radio contribution : SWR2 : NowJazz
“Closed society? searching for diversity in Jazz”
Die aktuelle Sendung NOWJazz von Franziska Buhre/ SWR2 trägt den Titel “Geschlossene Gesellschaft? Auf der Suche nach Diversität im Jazz”. Sie erinnert daran, dass Jazz einst auf der Basis gesellschaftlicher Vielfalt entstanden ist – und fragt, wie Diversität im Jazz gegenwärtig wahrgenommen wird, von Musiker*innen, dem Publikum, Organisator*innen und Interessensvertretungen.

Auch RomnjaJazz ist Teil der Sendung: Franziska Buhre führte Interviews mit Tayo Awosusi-Onutor und Matilda Leko und strahlte ihre zwei Lieder Kelas (Tayo) und Jovano Jovanke (Matilda) in der Sendung aus.

30. April 2019 : RomnjaJazz

Soul :: R'n'B :: der Sinti & Roma music

Together with the singers Riah Knight and Matilda Leko, TAYO is part of the Romnja Jazz project. The three artists will be supported by the project.

"Not only women in general are clearly underrepresented in jazz music - especially women who are" people of color "or who have a different minority background, have a hard time getting their way in the scene because of persistent disadvantage.

That is why RomaTrial eV initiated the one-year support program RomnjaJazz with the support of the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe.
In the current year 2019, three jazz musicians and composers from Berlin with a Sinti and Roma background work together with experts from various fields to promote their artistic development, to improve their practical management skills and to create an attractive image for their self-presentation . "

Music, show, Heart & Soul

Multilingual, Duo or Band
You can expect a performance with authenticity!
Watch live video
Meine Haut, meine Locken, meine Stimme 

Zu viel Soul

Feel So Right

Music Video
produced by Loomis Green, written by TAYO & Loomis Green
Video: Defdick Films
Learn more

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4 and 5 May: closed event

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